Smile-GAN Aging1

This is the dimension/subtype 1 (Aging1) of brain aging defined by the Smile-GAN model using brain imaging data from the iSTAGING consortium, where Aging1 shows a specific pattern of modest atrophy and white matter hyperintensity (WMH) load, and 2 accelerated aging subgroups.

QQ plot


Manhattan plot


Summary Statistics

Data: GWAS summary statistics for Smile-GAN Aging1 derived from brain MRI data using UK Biobank.

  • Citation: Nasrallah, I.M., Abdulkadir, A., Wen, J. (Genetic analyses), Melhem, R., Mamourian, E., Erus, G., Doshi, J., Singh, A., Yang, Z. and Cui, Y., 2024. Genetic and Clinical Correlates of AI-Based Brain Aging Patterns in Cognitively Unimpaired Individuals. JAMA psychiatry.
  • Citation: Yang, Z., Nasrallah, I.M., Shou, H., Wen, J., Doshi, J., Habes, M., Erus, G., Abdulkadir, A., Resnick, S.M., Albert, M.S. and Maruff, P., 2021. A deep learning framework identifies dimensional representations of Alzheimer’s Disease from brain structure. Nature communications, 12(1), p.7065.
  • QQ